Sunday, November 14, 2010

a day off...

we had a fantastic wonderful day with no school. no pickup, take, pickup, take and etc. they are my favorite subjects in the world. here's a few.

what i started with

Monday, June 14, 2010

did I say I would keep this up to date??

I lied.
as you can see by the date.
summer is here. 2 more days of school. can't wait..... although.... how can I have a jr. high age kid?
I will miss my kindergartner next year. hope he will still run yelling mom with a hug everytime I see him.
more from the jr. high thing later.

my tiny dancer preparing for recital. she is a dancing sheep, but she would rather be dancing like hannah montana

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Fairy Leaf Princess

This was a fun shoot. A great day in between rain + great setting + fun family = pretty sweet photos (and lots of fun for me) G has tons of personality...she was a fairy leaf princess one minute, a pirate the next. It took awhile of playing with my camera for her to warm up, then she was ready to roll. 

Friday, February 12, 2010

Back in Action has been over 2 months since I have posted anything. I didn't take a photography hiatus, actually I worked alot, right up till Christmas. I have a ton of stuff to post. Lots of great families. I promise to get them going in the next week.

We are now in the craziness of baseball/softball season. When kids get older they practice at crazy hours...who knew? D has 3 nights of 6-8! Are my kids the only ones who go to bed at 8? I can't seem to not be involved, so I am helping coach J's team again this year.

First up we have a very special family to us. J and Hannah have been great friends since preschool. They are one of the most dynamic families. Rescuing dogs, mountain bike riding. all kinds of fun stuff.
Maddie (the dog) was rescued after being left behind in a foreclosed house for weeks. She definitely has been scared almost to death, but now lives the life of a princess.

love love love these eyes.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Baby D

This gorgeous little guy has the most beautiful skin. When I got ahold of him he was beyond the 2 week newborn photographers love the sleepy, bendable first couple of days. It doesn't take long to be wide awake and sensitive to all stimulation. I have to say that even though I didn't get to pose him very much he is so sweet. Not one protest.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Prados Family

How striking are everyone's eyes in this family? I can't get over how photogenic they are. Even Mikey the dog!

Friday, November 13, 2009


When I was about 9 or 10 I made a list of things to accomplish in my life. Kinda my own personal bucket list. Much of it has to do with driving things - semi, dragster, Harley. I have always been a little obsessed with speed and adrenaline. How much money I was to make before 30, my sticker collection, skydiving, all kinds of stuff. I remember spending alot of time writing this in my spiral notebook.
I never forget it.
I don't need to look at it and cross things off . I know it even know 30 year later.
The other day while we were walking on the beach taking pictures of the kids I started thinking
the only thing I didn't include would be my greatest accomplishments of all. I get to be a mom. I have 4 beautiful, perfect, healthy kids who are compassionate and loving.
A great husband who has loved me for almost 20years.
I need to update my list of accomplishments. Add the life that is perfectly mine and pretty great.

Our morning in Newport.......